My Flora Aura Mindful Center Open for shopping at 9:00am & Join us for a relaxing Crystal Meditation & Sound group session EARLY RISER DAYTIME 9:30AM GROUP SESSION Donations appreciated:)
Shores Shopping Center 450 North East 20th street #116 BOCA RATON FLORIDA 33431 Phone 561-901-5808 Meet new friends! Connect with like minded peeps!
$20 cash preferred please
Relax in a circle sitting with others in a group receiving the Japanese healing modality REIKI. This is a NON-TOUCH healing-This brings energy flow -vibration with enhancing crystals. The Master/teacher is the conduit of the session:) Love and Light
Just walk-in & pay
How to use a pendulum and mini Crystal Class- Learn about Just walk-in, no call necessary_ Its fun and interactive Jolie explains info on each crystal and How they work for your body! FEEL the Vibes!
Sound Vibration is Uber-Relaxing.
Enjoy a Chakra alignment & auric cleanse with Jolie. She plays crystal quartz sound bowls & various vibe tools!
Enjoy a vibrational sound bath- relax in to a beautiful "cleaning" from the sound bowls vibrations incredible frequencies.
Every day is a good day at My Flora Aura
Learn about a past life that may relate to something in your life currently- insightful, fun - a beautiful journey within your mind body and soul. This is a group session where we laydown with the help of crystal and Jolie DeMarco's guiding you to your other lives and experiences--in the session-bring your pillow, we have blankets. group$44 or private session $244 Register here clik now!
This is a group healing circle whereas you sit in chairs as Jolie guides you through a unique meditation- Then Jolie performs as a conduit with A Crystal modem to connect to the Atlanteans & Lumerian Light Beings share their healing vibrations to raise you body's frequencies. A very intriguing Healing experience. Register here clik
click here tp sign up and pre-pay. Hit the "classes " Tab. This is the BEST workshop you will ever attend:)LETS GET PSYCHIC .Its amazing, Fun, exciting - you get in touch with your 6 senses, learn skillsets that enhance your abilities /telepathic, intuition and psychic ESP abilities- by the end of the day you will KNOW! This is a group workshop.
All classes are located at 450 NE 20th Street Boca Raton FL 33431 Phone 561-901-5808
Learn skills that improve your ESP-
extra sensory perception and learn about pendulums and many ways to use them!. Fun class! with Jolie!
--Feel amazing as you lift and have an out- of body experience/ sometimes a big release FYI, insightful. This is a group meditation we have mats and blankets bring your pillow. register now! clik here
Enjoy a crystal body layout, a grid that enhances your energy. Using crystals, placements, and sound vibes to bring you to wellness an euphoric experience with Crystals!
Learn How to properly use your good vibe energy to intently manifest your good match relationship,. Learn & Create what Your desire. investment for LOve :)" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
Learn how to Soul Talk. Two techniques Jolie DeMarco Metaphysical expert - author of Soul Talking and Relationships Book. Jolie will guide you to your freedom of equal energy exchanges. Release and replace. Its a a Major healing includes mediation and writing.
Meet Your Tribe a amazing Guided Meditation , Crystal grid and Journey experience- Jolie takes you on a insightful session. This is a group or private session.
This is a fun group workshop. Learn the Japanese healing modality REIKI. energy flow and vibration, Be an extraordinary healer! learn amazing techniques on how to use reiki for self. Learn the symbols and self healing. The history of reiki and the practices along with Auras, chakras and the "whole system" of the energetic body. this is a group workshop. Light snacks provided. Fun! Reiki Master Jolie DeMarco pre pay here hit the "classes tab"
The Bundle Learn Level ONE ,TWO & Masters -You can choose your dates as it is a one on one personal learning experience. Jolie can teach you in person or via zoom. Go to the appointment booking button. the Japanese healing modality REIKI. energy flow and vibration, Be and extraordinary healer! Techniques of how to perform reiki on others for a profession, side hustle or just for self knowledge:)
This is a group workshop
Learn the Japanese healing modality REIKI. energy flow and vibration, Be and extraordinary healer for others! Level two you learn distance and how to do Professional style healings for others. You will be an EXPERT!
All classes are located at Shores Shopping Center 450 NE 20th Street Boca Raton FL 33431 Phone 561-901-5808
2 day course Become a Master Crystal healer! Jolie DeMarco teacher and Master healer author of High vibe crystal healing shares the ancient art of gems, crystals and minerals to help assist the human body in healing, advancing, releasing and balancing for optimal vitality- after this workshop series you will be a EPIC CRYSTAL HEALER- a great side hustle or profession: contact Jolie via email for details
Learn how to crate the Life you dream of- Using Archangel Michaels Soult talking techniques along with Changing your Frequency. This course is from the Books Jolie wrote named Soul Talking & Relationships and her BRAND NEW BOOK called "Addicted to Me-"
Shores Shopping Center
450 NE 20th Street#116
Boca Raton FL.
We Are EAST of Dixie Hwy
Retail hours
Closed March 24-April 2nd
Open 11am-4pm Thurs-Fri & Saturdays
Call us 561-901-5808-
Psychic Readings & Services All week !
Make appointments online .